Rolling Hills Farm
Sep 25, 2017
Indian Summer
Week 19, crazy how far we've come! It seems just last week we were loading up the box truck for the first shares. We've been filling...

Rolling Hills Farm
Sep 11, 2017
Taste Of The Tropics
Thank you so much to everyone who donated! We got an entire carload of dog and cat donations for the animal shelter and it is so...

Rolling Hills Farm
Sep 4, 2017
Tractor Woes and Hurricane Harvey
Early September is the big Fall/Winter push. As the days get shorter things grow much slower, so everything has to get into the ground at...

Rolling Hills Farm
Aug 28, 2017
Epic Summer Greens
As our first succession of tomatoes dies, and our second succession is just starting to ripen we will be a little low on tomatoes this...

Rolling Hills Farm
Aug 21, 2017
Late Fall Shares
Vegetable Shares will have cantaloupe in them this week from a local, organic farm. We cannot provide them from our farm due to our...

Rolling Hills Farm
Aug 14, 2017
The Sweetest
Oh mid-August, otherwise known as farmer burnout month. There is a certain hecticness to August and a heaviness in the air that we don't...

Rolling Hills Farm
Jul 31, 2017
Rained Out
“Sitting at the table, watching the cards being dealt, I heard a man say that the difference between an amateur and a pro is that the pro...

Rolling Hills Farm
Jul 24, 2017
Tomato Time
“Working with living creatures, both plant and animal, is what makes agriculture different from any other production enterprise. Even...

Rolling Hills Farm
Jul 17, 2017
Embracing The Heat
“Cook things, eat them with other people. If you can tire your own bones while growing the beans, so much the better for you.” -Kristin...

Rolling Hills Farm
Jul 10, 2017
Dealing With Pests
No matter how great of a farmer one is, there are still a bunch of pests that have to be dealt with and we've all lost a crop to some...