Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving, a time to celebrate in the harvest out of our fields. Some of the things we are eating now were planted in the Spring and will last us well through the Winter. Each year at this time I feel such a deep connection between myself and every other farmer in the last 10,000 years or so who labored as I do with hands in the dirt to foster the growth of life itself. They knew then what we know now, the feeling of gratitude and food security that comes with knowing that with their labor the harvest came to fruition and there is food to be had for another year. With farming comes a feeling of gratitude for so many things; the harvest, our supportive community, for having ample food upon our plates when so many in the world do not, and for being able to spend our days outside with our hands in the dirt.
We were thrilled to get pictures from quite a few of you of our vegetables featured at your Thanksgiving meal. Farmer or not, there really is no better way to celebrate this season than with people whom you love, over food that was thoughtfully grown, lovingly prepared, and blissfully eaten. That just makes my heart swell. I’m thankful, as I am every year, for the astounding generosity of earth, seeds, sun and rain, and for the hard work and magic that transforms those very few things into the food that we eat. And I’m thankful for each of our farmers, supporters, and members, for making this farm possible each year.
Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada gave a really beautiful speech on this very topic this Thanksgiving that I'd love to share with you as it was shared with me: "Today, Canadians across the country will celebrate Thanksgiving – a day to gather with family and friends and give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in our lives.
'Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the harvest, and a chance to appreciate the many people who contribute every day to our communities. We honour our service members, who courageously and selflessly defend our country’s fundamental values of justice, democracy, and freedom. We also give thanks for the people who work each day to change our lives for the better. People across Canada contribute in thousands of ways to keep us healthy and safe, and to make our communities stronger and more open.
'This holiday also reminds us that many people, in Canada and around the world, do not share equally in the benefits we enjoy. Thanksgiving asks us to remember those less fortunate, and to show compassion to those in need – not only today, but every day.
'This year, as we mark 150 years of Confederation, we recognize the countless people and communities who help make Canada strong, inclusive, and prosperous. As we give thanks for our blessings, let us look for new ways to give generously of ourselves, too. All of our actions, no matter how small, have an impact on the world – and each of us has a role to play to change our world for the better." Tatsoi is in the share this week, one of my favorites! It's delicious sauteed or wilted into pasta. A ginger beef stir fry is delicious with tatsoi mixed in. It's also delicious in a curry. The napa cabbage this week is a gorgeous purple. Cabbage is not only delicious it is incredible for your intestinal tract, especially the purple kind and is chock full of so many nutrients. It even has anti-cancer properties! We added it to a turkey soup we made this week after making stock out of a turkey carcass and it was incredible. John said the cabbage was his favorite part of the soup. It's also great as a topping for tacos, mixed into a salad, sauteed, made into a coleslaw, or added to any soup or stew. We will be at the Wrightstown Farmer's Market next Saturday from 10-12 at The Gathering (it's on the same road as the market). And we are at the Asbury Fresh holiday market this weekend both Saturday and Sunday from 12-5 pm.