Benefits of the Point System
This week marks the final week of our 2017 main farm share season and what a season it's been! While every growing season has it's ups and downs we are so happy that we could offer you more produce then ever before. This has been the rainiest Summer we've ever seen and growing organically through that weather can be very challenging. As we deal with more uncertain weather in the years to come we are constantly innovating in order to be able to provide you all with the best produce possible. Operating a CSA on a point based system can be very challenging as people's eating habits can change. This is why most CSA shares are shaped so that everyone gets the same produce each week. But let's be honest, not everyone loves kale as much as I do. A few years ago, we couldn't grow enough kale and kohlrabi, now tastebuds have turned to different flavors. It has always been very important to us that you all are taking home produce that you love and that nothing goes to waste. I'd hate to give someone a kohlrabi in their CSA share, only for it to end up in the compost. We've had carrots in 11 shares, tomatoes in 13 shares, some type of onion in every share, peppers in 12 shares, cucumbers in 6 shares, lettuce in every share, mushrooms in 20 shares, green beans in 7 shares, beets in 13 shares, and so much more! Being able to provide the vegetables you all love is what we aim for and we hope you have all been as thrilled over the beauty of local, just picked vegetables as we have. Each season we set a goal for the next year. Next year we are hoping to have salad mix in every share as well as carrots, even more broccoli, and baby spinach in the warmer months. As we dive into the late Fall months and Winter months we will be focusing on extending the farming season as much as possible and growing as late into the Winter as we can. We will still be at the Wrightstown Farmer's Market until the Saturday before Thanksgiving and then the 2nd and 4th Saturdays all Winter long at their Winter market. We will also be at the Asbury Park farmer's market until November 19th, and then at their weekly holiday market until Christmastime. In the coming weeks we'll be sending all our members a quick survey so we can grow even better for you next year! When you come to get your final shares this week, please don't leave without a little parting Fall treat from us to you. Thanks so much for all of your support this season. It has helped us greatly to be able to farm sustainably and take care of this beautiful piece of land that we call home. Late Fall members, we will see you starting Tuesday October 24th at Dig Yoga in downtown Lambertville anytime from 2-8pm. I will be sending out an e-mail to you all in the coming days with all the details. Beet harvest!

Baby spinach trials sprouting.

Harvesting Celery

Dogs frolicing in the fields

Savannah's chiles, ready for preserving.

Recipe: Beet and Fennel Soup We like to serve this soup hot. But go for chilled or room temperature if you prefer. This recipe is very lightly adapted from one we found in Judith Barrett’s Saved by Soup. Prep time for this recipe is about 15 minutes. Cooking adds another 30 to 40 minutes. This dish serves 4 to 6 as a starter. Leftovers keep for several days if refrigerated in an airtight container. Ingredients
~1 pound beets (usually 1 bunch)
1 medium onion (we like to use red onions, but any variety will do)
~8 ounces fennel (1 medium or 2 small bulbs)
1 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste; see Notes)
5 cups water (may substitute chicken or vegetable stock)
1 tablespoon lemon juice or balsamic vinegar (optional)
sour cream or yogurt for garnish (optional)
Wash the beets. Cut off the stems and root ends. Peel the beets, then dice them roughly. Place the beets in a 4-quart sauce pan or soup pot.
Peel the onion and cut it into dice of ½ inch or so. Add the diced onion to the soup pot.
Rinse the fennel and remove the stalks and green tops (you may want to reserve some of the fuzzy fronds for garnish). Cut the bulb(s) into dice of ½ inch or so. Add the diced fennel to the soup pot.
Add salt and water to the soup pot. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then partially cover the pot. Cook until the beets are tender – usually 30 minutes or so.
Use an immersion blender to process the soup until it’s smooth enough for your taste (we like to leave it a bit chunky). Taste the soup, and add more salt if necessary. Add the lemon juice or balsamic vinegar, if using (we find that adding some acid helps brighten the flavor of this soup).
Ladle the soup into serving bowls. Garnish each bowl with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt, if desired.
Share Options This Week Spinach/Salad Mix- 2 points Broccoli- 2 points Carrots- 2 points Kale- 1 point/bunch Scallions- 1 point/bunch Celery- 1 point/each Purple Daikon Radishes- 1 point/pound Scarlet Queen Turnips- 1 point/pound Watermelon Radishes- 1 point/pound Fennel- 1 point/2 heads Purple Sweet Potatoes- 1 point/pound Broccoli Raab- 1 point/bunch Onions- 1 point/pound Bok Choy- 1 point/each Sweet Frying Peppers- 1 point/ 5 peppers Winter Squash- 2 points/each Garlic- 1 point/ 1/4 lb Beets- 1 point/pound Hot Peppers- 1 point/10 peppers Shishito Peppers- 1 point/pint Baby Bok Choy- 1 point/1/4 lb